My first two years of college were at a community college with a small campus. As a Christian, sometimes it felt as though I was facing the world by myself. Although I spent each morning in prayer with the Lord or in singing hymns during the half-hour drive there, I still felt alone and different from everyone I met. During my entire time there, I did not attend a single club meeting or participate in a single activity.

At UNC, however, my experience has not been the same. As part of Christians on Campus, I belong to a community of believers who love Christ. We pursue the Lord together and encourage one another in seeking Him. While there are times I may still feel alone, I know that I am not struggling against the world by myself. And my weeks are filled with meetings, in which are joy and peace.

When I reflect upon these experiences, my realization is that Christians are not meant to be isolated. We may love the Lord Jesus with all our heart, but we still need the fellowship of other believers. We need to regularly come together in worship of the Lord, whether we sing, read, or pray. One Christian cannot stand against the world. But the church, the Body of Christ, can withstand all troubles.

- C.D., Chemistry, UNC Chapel Hill Class of 2021


β€œOne Christian cannot stand against the world. But the church, the Body of Christ, can withstand all troubles.”