Christians on Campus has provided me a tight-knit circle of support and mentorship in Christ. Before even my first day of classes, I was invited to get togethers and was immediately welcomed into the campus family. Friday meetings introduced me to peers on campus as well as mentors in life and in Spirit. Our Bible study meetings have taught me how to enjoy the Lord together and how to personally mature in Christ.

One of my favorite experiences is having small (two to three people) get-togethers where we can grab lunch or coffee, catch up on school and life, and then read and pray a short passage. It's in these meetings where I made my closest friends, as well as where I learned the most about reaching the Lord and praising Him. Through home gatherings, Saturday meals, and bible studies, Christians on Campus has made a wonderful impact on my time at Duke.

- A.N., Electrical Engineering, Class of 2020 Duke University


“It's in these meetings where I made my closest friends…”